Mirius has a history of supporting the very worthwhile organisation, Homeless Oxfordshire, through various fund-raising activities and donation schemes. Homeless Oxfordshire partners with another Oxfordshire-based charity, Amber Lights, because of their common interests and charitable aims. Mirius adopted the specific cause of Amber Lights alongside our existing support for Homeless Oxfordshire and a collaborative, three-way network was born.

Homeless Oxfordshire is the country’s largest not-for-profit provider of accommodation for people experiencing homelessness (1). Amber Lights connects practically with Homeless Oxfordshire by running workshops for children and the community to raise awareness of the important issue of homelessness (2). Mirius applauds their collaboration and the life-changing work together they effect, so Mirius remains committed to supporting and promoting both Homeless Oxfordshire and Amber Lights.

For more information about each charity, follow the links below and stand by for updates and new stories about our network.


  1. https://homelessoxfordshire.uk/#
  2. https://amberlightsinoxford.com/about-me