Plastic packaging, after it has served its purpose, has to be disposed of. Every year, the amount of plastic in the world’s oceans increases by between 5 and 13 million tonnes. Alternatively, recycling plastic materials protects the environment by supporting the circular economy. Recycling works because recyclable plastic has been introduced into the supply chain.

The disposal of plastics into the oceans has attracted the attention of scientists, particularly to study the effect of plastic waste on aquatic life. Research shows that different aquatic species tolerate the presence of plastics to varying degrees (1). However, ecosystems are susceptible to collapse because some components are severely affected by the presence of degrading plastics in their environment and failure at one point of an ecosystem can jeopardise the whole system.

The only real solution to this problem is avoiding loading the natural environment with plastic waste in the first place which is one of the advantages of recycling recyclable plastic. 80% of our bottle packaging is 100% recycled. Mirius acknowledges the significance of incorporating sustainability into our business for the sake of the natural environment. We are committed to transitioning to 100% recycled plastic packaging by 2025.


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